Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Intel Corporation announced that Intel-powered classmate PCs are shipping in volume to emerging markets.

These affordable yet fully functional PC based on the Intel Celeron M processor is the first education-oriented mobile computer to ship in volume to Brazil and Mexico.

The Intel-powered classmate PC supports collaborative learning environments primarily for K-12 schools and is part of Intel's on-going commitment and dedication to equip children around the world with technology that will help advance learning and development.

Intel also plans to run Intel-powered classmate PC pilot programs in more than 25 countries this year, including Chile, China, India, Indonesia, Libya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam. This year, Intel plans for these classmate PCs to be available in such languages as English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai and Turkish.

Friday, March 09, 2007
"About 80% of GDP growth is expected to come from emerging markets this year, and that is not going to change from an equity market correction.”.......Slim Feriani, chief investment officer at Progressive.

While the MSCI Emerging Markets index has fallen 7%, Feriani anticipates it will provide average year-long growth of 20%. Feriani adds that the correction was much less than the falls seen last May.

“The markets have corrected to about 10%, compared to the May/June bump of 25%,” he says.

“It has been a healthy round of profit-taking, which has brought value back to emerging markets.

“The fundamentals of these markets are still there, despite all the noise from the US.” Emerging-markets investing remains a major global economic driver, he says.

Friday, March 02, 2007
A total of 162 private equity funds focused on investing in the emerging markets of Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa raised $33.2bn in capital commitments in 2006, according to data from the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association. This represents a 29 per cent increase over the $25.8bn raised in 2005.

Emerging Asia attracted more capital than any other region within the emerging markets. In Emerging Asia 93 funds raised $19.4bn, representing a 26 per cent increase over the $15.5bn raised in 2005. Funds dedicated to investments in China and India alone accounted for $6.8bn, or 35 per cent of emerging Asian fund totals, and nearly 20 per cent of the overall total.

Investing In Emerging World Markets

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